We’ve all had to start from scratch, and know how scary it can be. Walking (in person, or virtually!) into a new fitness studio causes anxiety, fear, panic and sometimes, we don’t even make it to the door due to these feelings! Believe me, it’s 100% normal, and happens to anyone approaching
something new. Yet, we can’t let our lives be dominated by fear. We need to be challenged in new and exciting ways. That’s why we’ve created 5 Fitness Tips for Beginners to help you push past that fear and start your journey to health and wellness, TODAY! We’ve all had to start from
scratch, and know how scary it can be. Walking (in person, or virtually!) into a new fitness studio causes anxiety, fear, panic and sometimes, we don’t even make it to the door due to these feelings! Believe me, it’s 100% normal, and happens to anyone approaching something new. Yet, we can’t let our lives be dominated by fear. We need to be challenged in new and exciting ways. That’s why we’ve created 5 Fitness Tips for Beginners to help you push past that fear and start your journey to health and wellness, TODAY!
1. Start by getting the proper gear!
Everyone needs comfortable and supportive athletic wear and shoes. Always a good idea to visit your
local running store to be sized and fit with the proper pair of shoes.
2. Find a gym or fitness program that will make sure you are doing the exercises properly.
A good gym will have trainers that watch your form and challenge you during group fitness classes. A
good live-stream program will have an instructor that interacts with you, verbally cuing on form, so you feel
confident you are performing the exercises correctly. Check out your local Kaia FIT to join in!
3. Grab a workout buddy.
We all need that one person for support, to cheer us on and to hold us accountable. Maybe even invite your
support person to join you! Exercising is always more fun with a friend.
4. Set some goals and schedule your workouts.
Post it so it is visible. This will also help you stay committed. Give yourself a ⭐️or 💜
each day you workout and watch your calendar fill up! Reward yourself, non-food related, when your
goals are met. It’s always nice to treat yourself to a massage or pedi for a job well done!
5. Ready, set, GO! However, START SLOW!
Exercising after being sedentary for most of 2020 can be a huge wake up to your body. Take it easy day one and gradually increase your speed performing the exercises or add additional weight. Know that it is natural to be sore 2 days after your workout. A warm Epsom salt bath at the end of the day really helps with muscle soreness. Don’t stop exercising just because you are sore!
As always, consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program.
Here’s to a healthy, and fit 2021!