Life Span is how many years you have lived on the earth. Health Span is your last ten years before you pass on. Studies show these last ten years are usually when your health starts deteriorating. We need to work on shortening those ten years, so that we are your best human you can be every day until your last day on earth.
Blue Zone Age Bubble
– Destress by dealing with chronic stress, which is emotional baggage we carry instead of having a hard conversation or putting it down and moving on with our life.
– Open a window or door for about 10 minutes especially after cooking allows toxins to leave your home
– Drink one gallon of water a day, which does include herbal tea
– Digital sunset, turn off electronics or turn them onto airplane mode. Electronics and light disturb our sleep. Allow the sun to set inside your home. Turn the lights down or off as it gets closer to bedtime.
– Socialize with family, friends and neighbors. Never be afraid to invite someone or yourself to do something new. Push yourself out of your comfort zone.
– Meditation and prayer. Throughout your day, take a few minutes to slow down and listen to your body. Remember the simple things you did that day.
– Sleep Q2. Quantity and quality of your sleep. Try to go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time. Try to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.
– Eat whole foods; try to eliminate processed food. – Get to know yourself and listen to other people. Build relationships with yourself, your family and friends.
– Cold and hot therapy helps reduce inflammation.
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