How are you right now compared to previous times in your life?
Six pillars: –
How are you feeling with your nutrition? Digesting well? Energy Level? Bloated?
When you exercise, do you recover well? How often? Motivation for exercise?
How are your stress levels? Anxiety?
How quickly do you fall asleep at night? Do you wake up? Able to fall back asleep?
How connected are you to other people? Do you feel isolated or alone? – How are you doing with your spirituality? Do you feel connected to something greater than yourself?
Rate yourself 1 to 10 on the above questions.
Then let your health care provider know how you are doing in these different areas of your life.
Food can help you balance your hormones. Whole foods (non-processed) and vegetables help with micronutrients. Intermittent fasting (stop eating a couple of hours before bed) allows your pancreas to take a break and allows your insulin levels to return to normal. This means you will not be digesting while you are sleeping, which will help you have a better sleep. Then eat breakfast when you are hungry. Foods rich in Omega-3s help naturally regulate your hormones.
Resistance workouts (3 to 4 days a week) helps raise your testosterone levels. Cardio workouts (~150 minutes a week) helps increase your heart rate. Find a fun challenging exercise class.
We have positive stresses in your life. How you react to the stress will help you: take a deep breath, take a walk outside, remove yourself from the stress. Dark rooms and less light at night before bed help your body slow down to prepare for sleep. Make a routine before bed and try to stick to it. Asking how you can help the people you love will help you and them. Being kind and performing random acts of kindness helps improve your mood. Depending on your spirituality, make sure you take time to connect to something higher.