14% of people in the United States feel they are happy. This is down from 31% in 2018. Statistics show that as we grow in age, we become happier with life.
You are the most important person in the world…how are you feeling at this stage of your life? Give yourself a rating of 1 to 10 (1 being unhappy, 10 being the happiest you can imagine). Here are 5 tips to increase your happiness and boost your mood:
1. Find people that you can be in service to and can help.
2. Believe you can!
3. Passions – Significance – Variety – Love/connection – Growth – Service
4. Mood follows action. Change your action then your mood will follow.
5. Take a good look at your fear(s). Try to conquer them and take them on. Find your passion by getting out of your comfort zone.
Believe in yourself and be BRAVE!!!
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