Sugar is very addictive and is in everything that is processed. 1/3 of consumed calories for Americans comes from sugar. Excess sugar in our diets causes diabetes, heart disease, and inflammation. It also effects our moods and how we feel. Eating food with processed sugar can cause you to feel anxious then exhausted.
The No Sugar Challenge helps you keep track of what you are eating and how your body reacts to it. How do you feel when you are not eating processed sugar? How do you feel eating more natural whole foods?
When sitting down to eat a meal:
1. Eat your veggies first
2. Eat your protein second
3. Eat your carbohydrates last
Try not to eat sugar on an empty stomach. Sugar has such an addictive quality. Addiction is defined as binging, withdrawals then cravings.
Here are 10 Tips to Succeed with Ditching the Processed Sugar:
1. Eat on a regular basis – breakfast, lunch and dinner.
2. Eat whole foods.
3. Read labels. Try not to consume food with more than 9g of sugar in it.
4. Taking a multivitamin.
5. Exercise helps regular blood sugar.
6. Change your environment.
7. A quick detox will help change your habits.
8. Have an accountability partner to help you succeed.
9. Stay hydrated.
10. Add seasonings and spices to kick up the flavor on your veggies and fruit.
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