Spring has more power in it than New Year’s resolutions. New Year’s can be setting goals for business, while Spring is perfect for setting goals for your body and home.
What are a few things you would like to lighten up in your life and home? The days are longer and the sun is getting brighter. We tend to get outside more in the spring after hibernating during our winter.
Mind: Write down goals or positive rituals then find seeds for each goal. Plant the seeds for every goal you have decided to accomplish.
Body: Your liver is the hardest working organ in your body. It helps remove toxins from your body and digests your food. It also stores vitamins and minerals. Try eating fresher and lighter meals.
Home: Clear out your space by areas. Try starting gently by opening windows and wiping down the window sills. It helps remove the stagnate air and toxins from your home. Bring some nature into our home by adding flowers or plants. Add lighter music when organizing and cleaning your home.
If you have something negative you are trying to remove from your mind, body, and home, write it down and burn it in a candle.
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