When traveling you realize you will be put into situations, and you prepare for ups and downs. Go with the flow 🙂
We are all the same around the world, and asking questions helps us understand each other. Traveling to other countries makes us aware of how many blessings and gratitude we should be thankful for in our own lives. Stones at Inca ruins were created over generations. The same family would work overtime on the same stone. They have survived for over 1500 years.
Which “stone” do you want to work on to pass along to your family or future generations?
Create positive/loving energy with your family and friends. Food is a very important part of Peruvian culture. In the afternoon, family and friends gather to enjoy a large meal then take a walk/relax before returning to work.
Make sure you find time to relax and enjoy life, family, friends and experiences. Let’s appreciate the simplicity of our lives.